

Lighting Scenes

It has never been easier to set the tone of your home. The Control4 lighting solutions offer literal one button control over the lighting of your room. Have different settings for dinner parties, romantic date night and cleaning. As always we customise the solutions to your needs and wants. We can automatically have the hallway lights turn on when the front door is unlocked as well as have the whole house turn off when you press the “goodnight” button from the comfort of your bed.


Scheduled Lighting

Lighting can be a very useful tool for safety and security. Scheduled lighting plays a big part in this. Not only can we ensure your outdoor lighting turns on at dusk and off a dawn - we can also implement scheduled lighting sequences to make the home look occupied when nobody is home. Scheduled lighting is useful in many ways and we can use it to make your life easier. Perhaps you’d like the lights in your bedroom to come on at 7am each morning to help you rise, or to dim at 10pm to help you wind down for the evening. Perhaps you work from home and would like to be greeted by your office lit and ready for the day and then to turn off once it’s time to spend time with the family.

Contemporary Smart Lighting

Smart devices do not need to compromise the aesthetic of your home. Control4 offers 2 styles of keypad and switches that can fit into any new home or existing space. The new contemporary units are clean, simple and come in a variety of neutral colours. The softer and more tactile traditional buttons may also be worth your consideration with a few extra colour options. Either way we can ensure it hides seamlessly into the design of your home.


Remote Control

When we say Smart Control - we truly do mean it. Regardless of where you are in the world we can ensure you have access to your Smart Home using your mobile device. This is made possible using OVRC